Scripture Scouts

"The Scripture Scouts tapes and CDs have made a lasting contribution to our family culture. My grandchildren have thoroughly enjoyed them."

-Stephen R. Covey

“One of our best memories of long rides in the car with the kids was listening to Scripture Scouts. It instilled a love for the scriptures in our little children that has lasted a lifetime.”

-Linda and Richard Eyre

"My Mom found Scripture Scouts... she bought every family a copy.  My oldest is now
22, my youngest 9 and we still aren't packed for a trip until the Book of Mormon Scripture Scouts is packed.  They used to go to bed listening to Scripture Scouts.  When they came out on CD my two oldest, by then in college, made sure they got their own copy, as did I...  Thank you for your work.  You have truly had a positive effect on our home."

-L.S., Idaho

"I grew up listening to the scripture scouts and love them.  My mother purchased a set for my children.  Everytime I talk to someone about them they want a set.  I need to buy 7 sets ( I think) because all my friends ask me to pick them up a copy..."

 -Tricia Bradshaw

"We would like to buy copies for our family and to give to our extended family, as we listened to it as children growing up.  Thank you very much!!!"

 -Jennie and John Airmet

"My children love the series and I'm going to give them to my sister's children for Christmas."

 -Sara Millett, Round Rock Texas

"I have to tell you how much our family have enjoyed the Scripture Scouts.  My 5 children all sing them around the house.  My sister told me about them for years and I finally bought 2 and couldn't wait to get all the rest.   Thanks for a wonderful product!"

 -Sharon Bies, San Diego, CA

"Scripture Scouts are back!  As a child, I loved hearing the stories of the Old and New Testament and the Book of Mormon from Skyler, Sue, Baby, and Boo the Dog.  Now, Benny, Jen, Babs, and of course, Boo, teach us in their world of imagination the truths of the Proclamation of the Family...and they are better than ever!  Where did you find such talented young voices?  We enjoy all the music, but  'Dance With Me,' is one of our favorites, along with  'Self Control.'  (We sing that one now to break up fights!)  Foot stompin'  'That's What Families Do,' and soulful  'On the Road to Happiness' get my kids singing along as we run errands in the car.  Scripture Scouts made a two day road trip fly by.  Of course, Boo the Dog is as loveable as ever and has become my three-year-old's favorite  'imagination buddy.' The insights and perspective on truth is inspiring and has given me ideas of HOW to teach the gospel to my young children.  Scripture Scouts: Musical Adventure on the Family Proclamation couldn't have come at a better time as our children are learning the Family Proclamation in Primary this year.  We love Scripture Scouts!"

 -Kimberley Parker, Houston, TX

These next few comments came in the days before Scripture Scouts were released on CD:

"I along  with almost every member of my extended family (at least 20 or so) [want Scripture Scouts on CD]”

 -Brandon Blaser, Cambridge, MA

"I'm wondering if you're planning on putting Scripture Scouts into a CD format.  I have all the audiotape sets, but they have worn out, and are sounding warped.  I fear my 4th son will miss out on the scripture adventure because he came along last!  We love this series.  You are musical geniuses!  Thanks for the wonderful resource for our family."

 -Heidi Lakenan in Illinois

"Our family has loved Scripture Scouts for at least a decade!  We really want them all on CD.  (We've already gone thru several replacement tapes at times.)  I thought I saw them at one time at Deseret Book on CD, but now I can't find them anywhere.  Do you make them on CD?  Please?"

 -Melanie Wilkes

"I am a convert to the church and have small children now.  I am desperate to get the Scripture Scouts Sets.  All I have is the 3rd tape of the Book of Mormon and the boys love it.  How do I go about doing this?"

 -Kenneth Westlund, Major(Ret), US Army

 "(Scripture Scouts are) the best setting of the scriptures for children I know of.  They are appealing and delightful. They have a quality that makes them endure."

-A. Laurence Lyon, Noted LDS Composer and Professor of Music, Western Oregon State College

"Buy SCRIPTURE SCOUTS. They are really great. The tunes are catchy and you just can't beat Marvin Payne as Boo the dog. Now that my youngest is old enough to pull cassette tape out of the plastic, I will have to be buying them on CD ASAP. My kids all love them. They are WONDERFUL. Buy every single last one that you can find. TODAY!"

 -Linda Adams - AML newsletter

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